Wednesday, July 16, 2008
satya hospital
C - 201 - 204, Sweni Complex, Akhabarnagar Circle, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad-380013, Gujarat, INDIA.
Ph: 079- 27640807, 079 – 32919599
Plastic – Cosmetic Surgery – burns deformity, scars, congenital anomaly – lip, palate, face, hand,
Skin Grafting, Flaps -
LIPOSUCTION & LIPOPLASTY- tummy, hips,thigh,etc. body shaping surgery, breast reduction- Gynaecomastia
Breast Surgery - breast lump, cancer, nipple discharge, breast pain.
Anorectal Surgery - piles, fissure, fistula.
For – Removal of EXTRA / LOCALISED / RESISTANT FAT Deposits over
Abdomen,Flanks(love handles),Hips,Buttocks,Thigh,Leg,Back, Neck & Chin etc.
Body Reshaping,
Breast Reduction- Female & Male - Gynaecomastia
Adv.- more precise, less discomfort, less tissue trauma, more safe, early recovery, very good results.
+91 94276 14382 +91 98240 19403
+91 94276 14383 +91 93761 75150
C-201 204, Sweni Complex, Akhabarnagar Circle, Ring Road,
Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad- 380013, Gujarat
mob: +91 9427614382, +91 9824019403
medical profession
In order to find joy in medicine, we need to find meaning in our profession. Work is an essential part of being alive and physicians are fortunate to work in a job which can provide so much satisfaction . They are presented with new challenges daily ; they can apply their mental abilities and their physical dexterity to successfully solve many of these problems; they are accorded respect and status; and they have control and autonomy . Unfortunately, many doctors no longer work for the sake of working - they’re working for a car, a new house, or a vacation. It’s no longer the work itself that’s important to them, and this is a shame, because there is such joy in doing work well.
We are privileged to help take care of patients, and we need to respect our role, so we can learn to respect ourselves. If you do what you love and love what you do , you will find a higher purpose in life - and if you are passionate about your work , your life will be full of meaning. Getting paid for this should be seen to be the ultimate bonus !
We are fortunate to be doctors, because we can learn so much from our patients. They bare their heart to us, and make us privy to their innermost confidences, so that daily we get a ringside view of human drama, suffering, courage, life and death – the stuff of which life is made ! Doctors have a chance to plumb the depths of the human soul, as they accompany their patients through their suffering. Our work lends itself to contemplation and introspection – allowing us insights which few other people are privileged to have. Our patients can teach us how to live and how to die – and we need to keep our hearts open to their lessons. While it is true that daily exposure to misery and suffering can drain some doctors, causing compassion fatigue; and leave others hardened and unfeeling, these same experiences can also invigorate and rejuvenate you.
Watching patients die should remind you of your own mortality , so that you remember to learn to live each day well . Seeing very ill patients recover should renew your sense of amazement at the marvels of the human body , so that you appreciate the perfection of your own body every day. Observing friends and loved ones provide comfort and courage to the ill should awaken your own feelings of compassion, so that you remember to touch all your near and dear ones with love every day. To live life to the fullest, we need to recapture our sense of wonder at life daily – and being a doctor allows you the privilege of doing that at close quarters !
It is true that physician morale is declining today, and doctors are hard pressed to find job satisfaction. However, instead of focusing our efforts on trying to identify what is wrong with medicine today, we should identify happy doctors and delve into their secrets. I am sure we all know doctors who still look forward to each day as an opportunity to do good, and to become more skilled physicians. We should try to learn from their successes. Many of these happy physicians may never become the president of the medical association, or grab media headlines , or be written about in House Calls, but they are the true stars of our profession, because they have found meaning in their lives. My personal role model is my father, who is one of the most satisfied people I know. His primary source of happiness is his patients , and they have provided him a major source of personal sustenance. He enjoys talking to them, they enjoy talking to him, and his links with
them are deep and personal. Even more importantly, I have learned that professional satisfaction does not come from acquiring money, but instead from gaining “social capital” through community ties. He has numerous extracurricular activities , and is very well connected with his family, friends and neighbors, and these social bonds contribute enormously to his satisfaction.
The first rule for being a happy doctor is very simple – it simply means caring for your patients. Treat all your patients like VIPs – whether they come from Dharavi or from London . Remember that the relationship with our patients is at the heart of our professional role – and a healthy doctor-patient relationship can nurture both patient and doctor ! Medicine is really about service, not science - and the true meaning of medicine is found in the relationships we have with our patients. Savor your patients. When a patient thanks you for your work or says that you've become like a family member, stop and relish that moment. Those moments are the real reward for being a doctor, if you can slow down to let them in. When it comes to getting positive feedback, no profession in the world comes close to medicine ! The joy of medicine is in doing good , which is why patients still confer a special status on us – we need to prove ourselves worthy of it..
Find an area of special interest in your field which you enjoy, and acquire a depth of knowledge in this focused area. Once you've mastered an area, then master its intricacies. Not only is it personally rewarding, it'll be professionally rewarding, as well. Your colleagues will refer problem patients in this area to you ( allowing you to become even more expert in the topic), and you will also acquire a reputation amongst patients as being very good in this area.
If you find your practice has become boring, tedious and monotonous, you need to recharge your batteries. Be willing to do something new, even if it involves a risk – after all, if you continue doing the things which bore you, the situation will get even worse ! You can consider hiring an assistant, to take care of the parts of medicine you find boring, so you can concentrate on what interests you. Other doctors have rediscovered joy not by narrowing their scope but broadening it to encompass a new area of expertise – for example, by exploring alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, homeopathy and chiropractic.
Try to publish and present your clinical experiences. This will force you to read the medical literature and provide intellectual discipline as well , as you have to carefully document your experiences and answer your colleague’s queries. Advances in medicine depend upon clinical acumen, and if we apply scientific rigor to our clinical experience , we can all contribute to improving medical practice. Treasure your rare patients and your difficult cases – they can teach you the most !
Develop humility. Often you will find that the reason you are unhappy in your professional life is that you have let your ego get out of control. Practicing medicine can make us feel that we are indispensable, and self-importance is a serious malady that stands in the way of professional satisfaction.
Learn to develop interests and friends outside medicine. While it is true that medicine can be a demanding mistress, don’t let her take over your life. Good doctors are well-rounded individuals , who have an open mind and are curious about everything. Having outside interests will not only make you a better person , it will also help make you a better doctor, as you apply what you learn from other fields to your medical practice. For example, I enjoy playing tennis, and have found that learning how to serve has helped improve my surgical skills by honing my hand-eye coordination.
Do some charitable work – for example, offer a free clinic once a week. One of the best ways of feeling good about yourself is by doing good for others , with no strings attached. The gratitude of the patients you see free of charge is worth much more than any amount of money . As a doctor you have many opportunities for being altruistic – make the most of them !
Don't make the mistake of equating wealth with happiness - the pursuit of wealth only complicates our search for happiness. . As physicians, we should be grateful that we get the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of others every day – a goal most humans aspire to. Be thankful daily that you can help others - expressing gratitude is a powerful tool in the search for contentment and self-worth.
Most of us become doctors in order to help others, and all of us get this opportunity to do so on a daily basis, whether we work in Mayo Clinic, or in the heart of rural India. We should remember how lucky we are to belong to such a privileged profession. Even in ancient India, vaidyas were considered to be very fortunate, because their lives offered them the opportunity of fulfilling all the three aims of a good life – dharma ( religious gain, by relieving the suffering of patients); artha ( material gain, by building up a rich practice); and kama ( personal satisfaction, by curing those whom he loves and respects, and by acquiring fame for his expertise). This is as true today as it has been through the centuries ! Medicine is a wonderful way to make a living – be glad you are a doctor and make the most of your profession – for your sake, and for the sake of your patients !
From Dr. Aniruddha Malpani
and 2C2BD :-)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
This brochure will give you a basic information of the Liposuction procedure.
What is Liposuction
Many persons can accumulate extra fat that is resistant to exercise and diet. If diet & exercise cannot remove this resistant fat on your hips or belly, you may be able to get rid of that localized area of fat through cosmetic surgery – body contouring surgery.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that vaccums out fat from beneath the skin to reduce fullness in specific areas. Although liposuction can produce permanent changes in body contour. It is a sculpting technique that can improve body proportions, and help to make clothing fit better.
Liposuction recontours the body by removing some number of fat cells. The number of fat cells n an adult is said to be constant. When weight is gained, those fat cells simply grow in size. How many and where fat cells are distributed is determined by factors like genes, and some people tend to have more fat cells in some body areas than others. If an area such as the lower abdomen, flanks, hips, buttocks or thighs have excess numbers of fat cells as compared to the rest of the body, these areas will always be out of proportion. Liposuction pemantly removes such cells. While this is not a protection against generalized weight gain, the area that has been suctioned will remain proportionately smaller forever. Liposuction surgery is also effective treatment for enlarged female breasts and male breast ( Gynecomastia ). Removal of fat is considered permanent, however, if you gain weight the fat will go to another location. Fat possibly can return in the same area that was liposuctioned but not to the same extent. It is important to keep in mind that liposuction has limitations. It will only remove fat under the skin. It will not remove fat that is inside the abdomen or under muscle. Liposuction will not change bone structure either. Therefore, your results may be limited to your own body structure.
Megaliposuction is removing large amount of fat for treatment of obesity, to reduce weight.
The Ideal candidates
Liposuction is most effective for removing localized fat deposits that do not respond to diet or exercise. liposuction is a contouring procedure. The best candidates for liposuthon are normal weight people with an elastic skin, reasonable muscle tone who have pockets of fat in certain areas. Person should be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in his or her expectations.
Liposuction will not tighten muscle or skin. In cases where there is a significant loss of tone and elasticity, the desired cosmetic results may require a combination of both liposuction and surgical skin & muscle tightening (like abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, thigh lift, etc.) to remove the excessive loose tissue.
Areas Treated with Liposuction
Lower abdomen, Upper abdomen, Love handles, Hips, Inner knees, Back of the arms (the part that hangs down), Male Breast (Gynecomastia), Back rolls (thoracic rolls), Outer 2/3 of the buttock, Inner thighs, Outer thighs, Saddlebags, Neck (beneath the chin), Jowls, Breast reduction.
Age Limitations
Patients should be fully grown (post-pubescent). There is no upper age limitation, although the younger one is the better. This is particularly important in areas where there may be loose skin--particularly the abdomen. In areas where there will be loose skin, patients over 50 years of age are at increased risk for loose hanging skin and skin irrlegularities (dimpling or rippling of. the skin). Additionally, stretch marts in the treated areas indicate patients who are at increased risk for skin irregularities or loose skin after liposuction.
Person Not suitable for liposuction
Liposuction is a surgical procedure. Therefore, one must be in good overall health. Person who is on an anticoagulants, blood thinner, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories cannot be treated unless these medications can be discontinued both before and after surgery.
Lidocaine is used for tumescent anesthesia. Anyone who is allergic to Lidocaine, cannot be treated using tumescent liposuction.
One should not be pregnant nor lactating (breastfeeding).
Persons with bleeding tendencies should not be treated using liposuction unless normalisation is gained.
Persons who are unable or unwilling to follow pre-operative and post- operative instructions should not be treated.
One should have reasonable expectations and fully understand the risks and the limitations of the liposuction procedure,. Persons with unreasonable expectations should not be treated.
Skin infection, Cold, Viral diseases must be cured before surgery.
Liposuction is generally not used for elimination of Cellulite & Stretch marks. Since cellulite appears to be a skin dimpling and skin contour problem, removal of fat will not improve skin quality.
Permanent. Results
Liposuction selectively removes unwanted fat cells. Once these fat cells are removed, generally they do not grow back. Therefore, the results ate permanent, although take over 6 months to be fully seen.
New weight gained after liposuction Since liposuction permanently removes fat from a specific location, weight gain will shift to another target area. The new target area of weight gain may be desirable or undesirable. Therefore, maintaining or loosing weight after liposuction is essential. It is important to know that weight loss/gain is a factor, but changes in percent body fat are also important. Liposuction should compliment a proper diet and exercise.
Skin changes – other changes
Since liposuction will not tighten skin or develop muscle, the result will depend on the skin elasticity to regain its usual shape. For patients with loss of skin elasticity due to fluctuations in weight, sun damage, and pregnancies, liposuction may not be an option. Other techniques, such as Abdorninopiasty and Lifts may be better options.
Most patients will notice an improved body contour and loss of inches rather than kgs. Patients can expect an improvement in body shape, and will probably fit in their current dress size more comfortably or even drop one size or two.
As would be expected, liposuction does not improve the cardiovascular status of the patient.
Exercise and diet is recommended.
Amount of fat to remove
Fat removal is limited to 3000 to 5,000 cc per operation for safety reasons. If additional fat removal is needed, subsequent surgeries may be necessary.
All surgeries carry some unwanted uncertainties and risks.
Liposuction is normally safe. However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are no guarantees having a good result.
Though they are rare, complications can and do occur.
Factors that increase the risk from liposuction include:
-poor patient health, individuals with medical problems such as diabetes, significant heart or lung disease, poor blood circulation
- who have recently had surgery near the area to be contoured.
- excessive fat removal
- performing multiple procedures along with liposuction in a single surgical session, especially under general anesthesia.
Serious but rare complications- Pulmonary embolism, blood clot, Perforation of organs, Anaesthetic complication, Lidocaine toxicity, Fluid imbalance.
Bleeding, Bruises, Seromas, Infection, Pigmentation, Lumps, Scars, Nerve injuries, Seroma, etc. are less common.
More common complications that usually require additional liposuction surgery include irregularities in contour and asymmetry.
Removing more than 5 liters of fat in a single liposudion treatment is considered too risky by most surgeons.
Planning your surgery
In your initial consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your health, determine where your fat deposits lie and assess the condition of your skin. Your surgeon will explain the body-contouring methods that may be most appropriate for you. For example, if you believe you want liposuction in the abdominal area, you may learn that an abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” may more effectively meet your goals. Be frank in discussing your expectations with your surgeon. He or she should be equally frank with you, describing the procedure in detail and explaining its risks and limitations. -
Various types of anesthesia can be used for liposuction procedures. Liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia. However, if you prefer, the local is usually used along with intravenous sedation to keep you more relaxed during the procedure.
Regional anesthesia can be a good choice for more extensive procedures. like epidural or spinal. However, some patients require general anesthesia, particularly if a large volume of fat is being removed.
The time required to perform liposuction may vary considerably, depending on the size of the area, the amount of fat being removed, the type of anesthesia and the technique used.
Preparing for your surgery - preop
Your surgeon will give guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain medications. If you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, your surgery may have to be postponed.
Liposuction techniques
Liposuction is a procedure in which localised deposits of fat ate removed to recontour one or more areas of the body. Through a tiny incision, a narrow tube or cannula is inserted and used to vacuum the fat layer that lies deep beneath the skin. The cannula is pushed through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and suctioning them out. If many sites are being treated,. your surgeon will then move on to the next area, working to keep the incisions as inconspicuous as possible.
Power Assisted Liposuction
Patient Benefits: Less Trauma, Better Results, No Heat means No Risk of Burning.
PAL requires less effort because a powered tube allows the fat to be sucked up easier by pushing through the tissue. PAL reduces force needed, especially in areas with more fibrous tissue such as the chest, back, breast. It facilitates fat removal in the love-handle” area in men and enlatged breasts (gynecomastla) also in men. The electric powered tube is more efficient, so the patient spends less time in the operating room.
The MicroAire Power Assisted Lipoplasty Device makes it easieron everyone.
Power-assisted liposuction allows for the body fat to be removed in a significantly safer, faster and less traumatic way than could ever be achieved manually by pumping a cannula back and forth. Power-assisted liposuction has been shown to successfully remove unwanted fat in all areas of the body more efficiently with a faster healing time than traditional liposuction.
The local anesthesia injected into the tissue remains for about 24 hours following liposuction surgery, greatly minimizing post-operative pain.
After PAL, most patients are generally alert. Patients are encouraged to walk immediately after surgery to enhance the healing process. Patients can usually return to a desk-type job within a few days. Physical exercise may be resumed three to seven days after the procedure.
After surgery, you will likely experience some fluid drainage from the incisions.
To control swelling and to help your skin better fit its new shape pressure elastic garments are needed for 8 weeks. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.
Don’t expect to look or feel great right after surgery. Even though the newer techniques are believed to reduce some post-operative discomforts, you may still experience some pain, burning, swelling, bleeding and temporary numbness. Pain can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon, though you may still feel stiff and sore for a few days.
It is normal to feel a bit anxious or depressed in the days or weeks following surgery. However, this feeling will subside as you begin to look and feel better.
Back to normal
The stitches if any are removed or dissolve on their own within the first week to 10 days.
Activity that is more strenuous should be avoided for about a month as your body continues to heal. Although most of the bruising and swelling usually disappears within three weeks, some swelling may remain for six months or more.
Your surgeon will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your progress and to see if any additional procedures are needed.
If you have any unusual symptoms between visits -- for example, heavy bleeding or a sudden increase in pain -- or any questions about what you can and can’t do, call your doctor.
Your new look
You will see a noticeable difference in the shape of your body quite soon after surgery. However, improvement will become even more apparent after about four to six weeks, when most of the swelling has subsided. After about three months, any persistent mild swelling usually disappears and the final contour will be visible.
If your expectations are realistic, you will probably be very pleased with the results of your surgery. You may find that you are more comfortable in a wide variety of clothes and more at ease with your body. And, by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, you can help to maintain your new shape.
As healing progresses, a more proportional look will emerge.
A slimmer body contour can help you feel more confident and comfortable.
C-203,204,Sweni Complex,
Adv.- more precise, less discomfort, less tissue trauma, more safe, early recovery,
very good results.
For – Removal of EXTRA / LOCALISED / RESISTANT FAT Deposits over
Abdomen,Flanks(love handles),Hips,Buttocks,Thigh,Leg,Back, Neck &
Chin etc.
Reshaping Aging Body
Breast Reduction- Female & Male - Gynaecomastia
+91 94276 14382
+91 98240 19403
+91 94276 14383
+91 93761 75150
dr yogesh patel, MS,MCh,plastic surgeon. 0 9427614382, 0 9824019403